Jill Nock, AG®
I have been researching my family since 1977. Although I am located in Idaho, I offer research services for all over the United States.
Whether you have a brick wall ancestor, are too busy to do your own research, or are an adoptee looking for your biological family, let Mountain State Genealogy help you.
“In my opinion, Jill is working in a sacred field and does so in a fashion that treats you and your past with honor and dignity.”
~~ lf from Texas
— Have you ever wondered who your ancestors were but didn’t know where to start searching?
— Do you want to know more about your family tree but don’t have the time to do the research yourself?
— Are you adopted and want to know more about your roots?
— Would like to capture your loved one’s voice and stories for the next generation?
Your First Step
Contact me! It’s true—no genealogy is ever complete—but you can start today to learn who your ancestors were, where they lived, and who they loved.
Let me take your questions and turn them into answers as you travel your genealogy path.